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01 April 2012

.....“Antennagate” is finally coming to a close. And now it’s time to reap the rewards. Following the settlement of a class action lawsuit against Apple for the widely reported reception issues with the iPhone 4, a new website has popped up where original iPhone 4 owners can claim the $15 entitled to them in the settlement. Rather than force your to weed through the whole site, we’ve summed up the most important bits below:
Am I eligible?
According to the no-frills site,, those who meet all of the following qualifications are eligible to receive the $15:
a) Experienced reception issues b) Were unable to return your iPhone 4 without it costing you anything c) Were unwilling to use a case or bumper for your phone (which solves the problem) d) Tried to the necessary troubleshooting steps, or did not try them because you sold your iPhone 4
In addition, you must be a resident of the United States, and be the original owner of the device. (You may have sold your iPhone 4, but you do not qualify if you bought the phone second-hand.) And you must have purchased your iPhone 4 prior to February 17, 2012.
Filing your claim form
Next, you will have to fill out a claim form, and file it. The form is a PDF file, which can be customized for you here. Once you’ve done that, you will be sent your claim form, which you must print out.
After you’ve filled out your form, you can scan it and upload it here, or email it to: . If for some insane reason you’d rather mail in your claim form, you must send it to:
Apple iPhone 4 Settlement Claims Administrator P.O. Box 43062 Providence, RI 02940-3062
Remember: You must accurately and completely fill out your claim for, or it could be rejected, and you might miss out.
What if I want nothing to do with this?
You have a right to exclude yourself from the settlement, and can officially do so by mailing a letter stating that you want to be excluded, along with your name, address, telephone number, and the serial number of your phone to:
Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP Attn: Rick Nelson, Class Member Relations 655 West Broadway, Suite 1900 San Diego, CA 92101
Dates to remember
All claim forms must be submitted electronically (via website or email), or postmarked by August 28, 2012. If you want out of the settlement altogether, you must send your letter by June 15, 2012. A final hearing in the case is scheduled to take place on July 13, 2012, during which time the presiding judge will decide whether to approve the settlement.
Want a bumper instead?
While it’s always nice to get a few extra bucks, a better option for a lot of people might be to just get a bumper case from Apple. To do so, you must either contact Apple Care, or visit an Apple Store.
This article was originally posted on Digital Trends
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